Innovation Anthology #294:

Geoff Ryan

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The next time you’re planning a mega-project, you’ll want to give Geoff Ryan’s book a read before you start.

The book is called “Schedule for Sale – WorkFace Planning for Construction Projects.”

It’s a guidebook based on several years of experience and research in Alberta’s construction industry.

And it’s designed to apply better upfront planning to reduce costs and chaos on the construction site.

GEOFF RYAN: So the problem is obvious to most everybody. In that, when we look at any system that doesn’t work the way we want it to, it’s because the sum of the parts don’t equal the whole of what we want. So the design of the way that we do work and we execute work is the real problem. And that is that we don’t understand the complexities between getting all the documents, all the materials, cranes, people to the site, orientations, all of that into a collective mechanism that allows us to do work.

Author and project management professional Geoff Ryan says American companies are particularly interested in applying his workface planning principles to reduce environmental costs.

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Program Date: 2010-03-02