Innovation Anthology #528:

Kyra Bowling of Lucasfilm Ltd and Darth Vader at the Telus World of Science premiere

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The Star Wars saga has entertained generations of movie goers for more than 35 years.

Now the producers, Lucasfilm of San Francisco, have joined forces with a Montreal company to create a traveling exhibit.

Called Star Wars Identities, it’s in Edmonton at the Telus World of Science before heading out on a world tour.

Kyra Bowling
is the Exhibits Manager with Lucasfilm.

There’s like 200 eye popping objects from our archives, everything from full-sized pod racer vehicles to dozens of original production art and drawings in developing the characters to dozens of costumes and the props and maquettes that were used in the original productions.

The Star Wars Identities exhibit is based on the universal appeal of the Star Wars story and the battle between right and wrong.

What we’re really exploring is the science behind identity. And in very simplistic terms, that would be the nature versus nurture type of argument. But it’s a lot more nuanced and more detailed than that. And so we look into the biology, the neuroscience, the psychology behind what it really is that defines who we are. The things that shape us along the way, choices that we make.

According to Kyra Bowling, Star Wars Identities will tour twelve more cities over the next six years.

Learn more at




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Program Date: 2013-01-24