Innovation Anthology #606:

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The tiny piping plover is an endangered species across North America.  

In Alberta, the last count showed only 250 of these shorebirds.

They nest on the gravel beaches of alkali lakes, but are threatened by habitat loss, grazing and predation.

Lance Engley is a wildlife biologist with the Alberta Conservation Association.  

LANCE ENGLEY:  There’s a chunk of land available that’s come up for sale not too far outside of Edmonton, actually that has some piping plover breeding habitat on it.  And it’s close to ten percent of the breeding population we have in the province right now uses this little chunk of land for breeding and nesting on for the summer time.So we as an organization are attempting to purchase this land with other conservation partners.

The property is 289 acres with a purchase price of $390,000.  So the Alberta Conservation Association has turned to crowd funding on Indigogo.  

  We’re trying to get the general public involved with raising the funds for the for this chunk of land that we’d like to buy .  And we’re looking to raise about $100,000 right now .  For the property itself is about $390,000.  So we’re in the final push right now to try to get enough to actually make the purchase happen.  

To donate through Indigogo, go to the ACA website at




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Program Date: 2014-04-17