Innovation Anthology #631:
Dr. Matthew Lindsay is an environmental geochemist at the University of Saskatchewan.
For at least the next five years he will be researching how certain by-products of oil sands production behave chemically in the landscape.
That’s through the new research chair he holds called the NSERC/Syncrude Industrial Research Chair in Mine Closure Geochemistry.
DR. MATTHEW LINDSAY The idea is to conduct research that has both scientific relevance and industrial relevance focused on mine closure. So understanding the chemical behavior or the chemical characteristics of mine closure landscapes through field experiments and laboratory experiments. And really the ultimate goal of this is to try and understand how materials that are produced through oil sands mining and bitumen upgrading how they evolve or behave chemically in the environment and how we can use information that we gain on understanding how these materials behave to come up with strategies for mine closure that are better aimed at enhancing or maximizing water quality.
Dr. Lindsay’s research will focus on two key materials, centrifuge fine tailings and petroleum coke.
Thanks today to SYNCRUDE
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Program Date: 2014-08-26