Innovation Anthology #40: Professor, Biological Sciences and NSERC/ACR Industrial Research Chair in Integrated Landscape Management

The University of Lethbridge is home to a machine called a high temperature-pressure densimeter.
It’s one of only a handful in the world. And it was built by Dr. Andrew Hakin, a world renowned researcher who studies the thermo-dynamics of aqueous systems.
The first system Dr. Hakin ran to test his new densimeter was glycene, the base of all amino acids. But the test did not turn out as the models predicted.
Instead of proceeding to positive infinity, the results dived to negative infinity.
The scientist thought he had failed. But in the end, his discovery changed the prevailing scientific theory.
DR ANDREW HAKIN: We’ve basically rewritten the book on the properties of amino acids at high temperature and pressure. And a lot of other studies have been done now. We’ve gone from the base amino acid glycenes to study several other systems. But the amino acid work, the protein work, really speak to the origins of life. For example, the SETI program run by NASA, they’re the sort of people who are interested in these data because they’re used in their models.
Dr. Hakin’s densimeter mimics conditions deep in the ocean where hydro-thermal vents occur in regions of volcanic activity – the very regions where scientists suspect life first originated.
Thanks today to The University of Lethbridge.
Stan Boutin, PhD,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada,
University of Lethbridge
In 2007 The University of Lethbridge celebrated its 40th anniversary. The U of L campus is home to the world renowned Canadian Centre for Behavioral Neuroscience. The University is also a centre of expertise on water and remote sensing.
For more interviews with University of Lethbridge researchers, check out the website for Innovation Alberta. (2001-2008)
Program Date: 2007-06-14