Innovation Anthology #66: COO

While alarming when they happen, reports of mad cow disease are actually few and far between.
One scientist looking at what makes some cows more susceptible to mad cow disease than others is Dr. Stephen Moore, Scientific Director for the Alberta Prion Research Institute.
And the answer may lie in the cow’s genetic makeup.
DR. STEPHEN MOORE: So far we’ve found an association with actually part, surprisingly, part of the PRP gene itself. But it’s the part of the gene called the promoter, which is sort of the volume control on a gene. So the promoter affects how much of a gene is expressed, how much of that protein you will make. And there is a mutation in the promoter that is associated with susceptibility to disease or time onset of disease. We’ve also found four other spots on chromosomes that seem to have an affect on whether or not the animal has the disease as opposed to its close relatives or its compatriots that were in the same environment.
While those genes are not yet identified, the next phase in Dr. Moore’s research is to reduce the possibilities down from thousands to a handful of four or five.
Thanks today to Alberta Ingenuity.
Bijan Mannani,
Landmark Group of Builders, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada,
Alberta Ingenuity
Established in 2000, the Alberta Ingenuity Fund supports science and engineering research of the highest calibre, to create a prosperous future for the province of Alberta. It draws funding from a $1 billion endowment established in 2000 and managed by the Government of Alberta to build the capacity for innovation, especially in areas with long lasting social and economic impact.
Among its many programs, Alberta Ingenuity supports graduate students and university researchers, industrial research and commercialization partnerships, and has established several Centres and Institutes.
In January 2010, under the new Alberta Innovation Framework, Alberta Ingenuity was restructured and absorbed in the new agency Alberta Innovates Technology Solutions.
Program Date: 2007-09-13