Innovation Anthology #74: Executive Director, Biological Greenhouse Gas Management Program

For almost ten years, Dr. Kevin Devito has been researching the hydrology of northeastern Alberta through what is called HEAD – The Hydrology, Ecology and Disturbance Project.
In the boreal ecosystem, wetlands dominate. And what Dr. Devito has discovered runs counter to the standard notions of how water moves through the landscape.
In fact, it appears in the boreal, water can run uphill.
This discovery has major implications for protecting boreal hydrology from the impact of Industrial activity. And Dr. Devito suggests hydrologists change the way they analyze landscapes.
DR. KEVIN DEVITO: A lot of things, for example, for cumulative effects require an understanding of the scale of interaction. Does it come from a kilometre away or does it come from the adjacent hill slope? What we’re saying is you need to look at the order with which you look at climate, geology, surfacial geology, soils and topography. Most people look at topography first. We’re suggesting that perhaps we should look at it last and let the overall hydraulic properties of the landscape come out in your mapping first.
Dr. Kevin Devito says this change will save industry money as it plans roads and other projects that alter water movement.
Thanks today to The Sustainable Forest Management Network.
Susan Wood-Bohm, PhD,
Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada,
Sustainable Forest Management Network
Established in 1995, The Sustainable Forest Management Network is one of Canada's 22 Networks of Centres of Excellence. The SFMN administrative center is hosted at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The Network brings together top scientists, forest managers and practitioners, First Nations leaders and governments to address known and emerging challenges to forest sustainability.
Program Date: 2007-10-11