Innovation Anthology #139: Professor, University of Alberta and Gastroenterologist

The term nano is quickly moving into the consumer lexicon. We already have nano attached to anti-wrinkle cremes and mp3 players.
And it won’t be long before the paper we write on or the houses we build are also nano-ized.
That’s the prediction of Dr. Ted Wegner of the Forest Products Laboratory with the USDA Forest Service in Madison, Wisconsin.
He was in Edmonton recently as a panelist at the Alberta Ingenuity forum on Nanotechnology and the Forest Industry.
Dr. Wegner predicts nanotechnology will provide a whole new range of value-added and multi-functional products based on wood and cellulose.
DR. TED WEGNER: Like a sheet of paper, it can be an electronic device just as well because wood has piezoelectric properties which acts as a semi conductor under certain conditions. And you can get it to be a calculator, and a computer, just like the ones we have on our desktops now. We can have our houses so if they’re being attacked by insects or starting to decay, they’ll alert the home owner that some action needs to be taken to fix a problem.
We can come up with siding that is going to generate electricity for the home.
According to Dr. Wegner, innovations using nanotechnology will revive the forest products industry in North America.
Thanks today to Alberta Ingenuity
Leah Gramlich, MD, FRCP,
Royal Alexandra Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada,
Alberta Ingenuity
Established in 2000, the Alberta Ingenuity Fund supports science and engineering research of the highest calibre, to create a prosperous future for the province of Alberta. It draws funding from a $1 billion endowment established in 2000 and managed by the Government of Alberta to build the capacity for innovation, especially in areas with long lasting social and economic impact.
Among its many programs, Alberta Ingenuity supports graduate students and university researchers, industrial research and commercialization partnerships, and has established several Centres and Institutes.
In January 2010, under the new Alberta Innovation Framework, Alberta Ingenuity was restructured and absorbed in the new agency Alberta Innovates Technology Solutions.
Program Date: 2008-06-03