Innovation Anthology #181:

The mad cow crisis that hit Canadian beef farmers five and half years ago has given rise to a concerted scientific effort.
Some researchers are looking for the cause of the disease. Others are looking for treatments.
And then, there is Dr. Ellen Goddard. She’s leading a broad investigation into the social and economic impacts of mad cow disease for the Alberta Prion Research Institute.
One focus is whether the mad cow crisIs changed consumer behavior.
She found that at the discovery of the first mad cow in Alberta, consumers actually rallied to support farmers, and beef consumption increased for a time.
DR. ELLEN GODDARD: We’ve done comparisons of Canadian consumers to consumers in the Netherlands. And there are other concerns that seem to be much more strongly felt by Canadian consumers than mad cow disease. Canadian consumers seem to be much more concerned about things like antibiotics in food. The whole trend about buying local, buying natural seems to have its roots in production practices that might be based on the farm.
The research of Dr. Goddard’s team will help inform better public policy towards food safety and mitigation of catastrophic loss for producers.
Thanks today Alberta Ingenuity.
Learn more at
If you are in Edmonton, take in the Science Cafe on November 4th to hear prion researchers Dr. Ellen Goddard and Dr. David Westaway discuss some of the latest findings on Mad Cow and related diseases. The Science Cafe takes place from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at the Good Earth Cafe on campus at 112 Street and 87 Avenue.
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Alberta Ingenuity
Established in 2000, the Alberta Ingenuity Fund supports science and engineering research of the highest calibre, to create a prosperous future for the province of Alberta. It draws funding from a $1 billion endowment established in 2000 and managed by the Government of Alberta to build the capacity for innovation, especially in areas with long lasting social and economic impact.
Among its many programs, Alberta Ingenuity supports graduate students and university researchers, industrial research and commercialization partnerships, and has established several Centres and Institutes.
In January 2010, under the new Alberta Innovation Framework, Alberta Ingenuity was restructured and absorbed in the new agency Alberta Innovates Technology Solutions.
Program Date: 2008-11-04