Innovation Anthology #199:

Working at the molecular or nano scale, scientists at the National Institute for Nanotechnology in Edmonton hope to change the way we produce energy.
Dr. Nils Petersen is the Director General of NINT, He says his researchers will build on Alberta’s expertise in petroleum technology.
But they will also provide innovation in new forms of energy.
One team working on solar cells is developing nano materials to improve the capture of sunlight and its conversion into electricity.
DR. NILS PETERSEN: Another example is hydrogen storage where we have a young materials scientist, David Mitland, who understands material properties really well and is looking to modify the materials so they can absorb hydrogen and store the hydrogen as battery if you will. and then release is fairly effectively and there are some really interesting challenges in that that he believes he has some interesting approaches to. So that’s another example of a niche area of energy that we believe will be important, particularly for Canada, because hydrogen is coupled with fuel cells and Canada has a strong effort in general in fuel cells and has some companies that are in this area.
That was nano scientist Dr. Nils Petersen.
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Program Date: 2009-01-22