Innovation Anthology #280:

TEC Edmonton has a new CEO and that’s Chris Lumb.
For more than a decade, Chris Lumb was the helm of Micralyne, growing it from a university spin-off into the largest independent MEMS or micro-electronics developer and manufacturer in the world.
And it’s on this seasoned experience that TEC Edmonton wants to capitalize.
CHRIS LUMB: One is, I have started and grown a company so I have a very strong understanding around a lot of the issues of what it takes to grow a company successfully. And there are many things that need to come together, including development of relationships with customers, structuring an organization, investors, setting up good operating parameters within the company. And making sure that the organization is offering relevant products and services to the market so that it can sustainably grow. These are all things that are common to any company, and that’s TEC Edmonton’s mandate of course is to nurture the development of new companies in the region.
Chris Lumb’s hopes to make TEC Edmonton one of THE major vehicles for creating successful new technology ventures in the region.
Learn more at
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Program Date: 2010-01-05