Innovation Anthology #282:

Cybera has a new president and CEO and that’s Robin Winsor.
Winsor used his knowledge of geophysics and artificial intelligence to develop the world’s first direct digital xray system. And over the last 20 years, he has grown it into a business worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
Now, as the head of Cybera, Robin Winsor hopes to extend the services of this university cyber network to Alberta’s entrepreneurs and business community.
ROBIN WINSOR: We’re sitting in the Edmonton cyber port that Cybera operates. There are similar facilities in Calgary, Lethbridge and by extension, through networking all over the world. We have lots of big screen TVs. We have cameras that track us and we can sit here and have a virtual meeting, You can see so much more when you are in what we would basically call a video conference. Others are giving it fancier names like tele-presence, virtual rooms, and so on, but it does add that extra measure. And this is just part of the services that Cybera offers. Just small part of them.
Robin Winsor is particularly keen on making Alberta’s energy sector aware of the Cybera and the use it can make of this cyber infrastructure
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Program Date: 2010-01-12