Innovation Anthology #305:

Over the last 15 years, researchers with the Sustainable Forest Management Network have worked with industry and government to incorporate their findings into practice.
One of the major changes is the development of the TRIAD approach to managing forests.
The Network’s scientific director Dr. Jim Fyles explains.
DR. JIM FYLES: We had a strong theme of looking at landscape level practices that would look at how we should essentially zone the land base to determine which kinds of forest management could occur in different places in the landscape In a sort of a nutshell, we are looking at three different levels of management. A protection, conservation kind of level of management in which we aren’t actually doing forest harvesting. An extensive area where we’re using maybe what would be referred to as light-handed or careful logging. And then some areas in the landscape, relatively small areas, that would be devoted to intensive forest management.
According to Dr Jim Fyles, implementation of the TRIAD approach to sustainable forest management is currently most advanced in the province of Quebec.
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Sustainable Forest Management Network
Established in 1995, The Sustainable Forest Management Network is one of Canada's 22 Networks of Centres of Excellence. The SFMN administrative center is hosted at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The Network brings together top scientists, forest managers and practitioners, First Nations leaders and governments to address known and emerging challenges to forest sustainability.
Program Date: 2010-04-08