Innovation Anthology #317:

Now that Alberta has revamped its innovation framework, one of the new organizations to emerge is called Alberta Innovates Energy and Environment Solutions.
It’s CEO is Dr. Eddy Isaacs. He previously led the Alberta Energy Research Institute.
According to Dr. Isaacs, his mandate is to help Alberta produce clean energy with a low carbon footprint.
DR. EDDY ISAACS: So we’re broadly focusing on energy technologies, environmental technologies, and renewable and emerging resources. And out of those three areas come a number of programs that we are carrying forward. Some of them we have inherited from the old Alberta Energy Research Institute, such as looking at CO2, looking at renewables. Now we’re putting a lot more emphasis on renewables. but also on unconventional gas, on bitumen, both recovery and processing of hydrocarbons.
Dr. Eddy Isaacs says Alberta’s complex energy resources bring big challenges for both researchers and policy makers.
That’s why finding ways to reduce energy and water usage will play major roles in future research.
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Program Date: 2010-05-27