Innovation Anthology #361:

With the growing international interest in oil sands, Alberta’s oil sands sector has taken an unprecedented step.
Seven oil sands companies and the University of Alberta have joined in a collaboration on research to better manage tailings.
Brian Schleckser is the VicePresident of Technology with Syncrude Canada Ltd.
BRIAN SCHLECKSER: What we’re announcing is basically a breakthrough collaborative agreement between these companies to share and collaborate on all of the tailings R&D, research and development activity, all the technology that’s been developed to date. Put all of that on the table with no barriers with regard to intellectual property, to costs, or perhaps licensing the technology. All of it goes in. We’re all privy to the available technology. And then, from the collaborative aspect, we’re all then capable of working on each others technology. Of pooling our efforts to improve it, put the best minds to work, and hopefully come out with this technology, implement this technology faster.
According to Brian Schleckser, a steering committee will coordinate the research projects and each company will contribute equally to cover the costs.
Thanks today to Syncrude
Learn more at
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Program Date: 2010-12-14