Innovation Anthology #407:
Can a new association kickstart the diversification of Alberta’s economy beyond oil and gas?
The mission for Dr. Perry Kinkaide over the next 150 days is to canvas Alberta’s technology community. The objective is to deliver a new entity, the Alberta Industry Technology Association.
Dr. Kinkaide was engaged by the Alberta Government to carry out this momenumental task. And he explains the need.
DR. PERRY KINKAIDE: There are multiple needs. We’ve established a very complex infrastructure in Alberta, many many associations which some would refer to as fragmented. That fragmentation needs to be dealt with in order to have a voice that can represent to government and to industry and to itself what are our requirements now and into the future? Technology is emerging extremely rapidly. We have become a nation extremely knowledgeable, hence our great universities. But moving that knowledge to market and capitalizing on that knowledge to commercialize it into new businesses has been very slow. And I think government has tried with billions, pumping them into our universities and trying to build bridges that haven’t been effective. I think they are finally turning and saying, maybe we outght to give industry a shot at it.
That was Dr. Perry Kinkaide.
Thanks today to Alberta Innovates Technology Futures
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Alberta Innovates Technology Futures
Alberta Innovates launched its consolidation on November 1, 2016

250 Karl Clark Road,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T6N 1E4
Program Date: 2011-06-16