Innovation Anthology #430:
Wouldn’t it be nice to fix your teeth without going through the ordeal of a root canal?
That’s exactly what Cristian Scurtescu is working on at his company SmileSonica Inc.
Cristian helped develop the ultrasonic technology while studying at the University of Alberta.
Now he’s collaborating with ACAMP, the Alberta Centre for Advanced Micro Nano Technology Products to manufacture and commercialize the dental device.
CRISTIAN SCURTESCU : The device has two modules. It has an external electronics module more like a cell phone that the patient interacts with. And the module is connected to an internal attachment that emits this ultrasonic therapy towards the afflicted roots of the teeth and stimulates the repair of problem on site. The treatment is non- nvasive, is painless. And it’s easy to use by the patients. The patient would be required for use it for 20 minutes every day for a period between 4 weeks, maybe even up to 4 or 5 months, depending on how severe is the affliction and what affliction they suffer from.
According to Cristian Scurtescu, SmileSonica should be ready for market in about two years.
Thanks today to ACAMP and Alberta Innovates Technology Futures
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Alberta Innovates Technology Futures
Alberta Innovates launched its consolidation on November 1, 2016

250 Karl Clark Road,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T6N 1E4
Program Date: 2011-11-01