Innovation Anthology #448:

When you get an implant like a hip replacement or you need a catheter, there’s always the chance you’ll contract an infection that’s resistant to antibiotics.
Most of the infections are caused by bacterial biofilms.
Edmonton company Innovotech is applying its new silver technology to combat these infections from medical devices.
Dr. Patricia Nadworny explains.
DR. PATRICIA NADWORNY: We are working on coating different types of metals such titanium or stainless steel that you would use either in implants or various operating room equipment. That kind of thing. We’re also looking at incorporating the silver into polymers or coating the silver onto polymers. And that could be used potentially in the catheter industry or wound dressings. Any time that you are putting a device into a person or you have a needle or a catheter that’s penetrating the skin or whatever, you have a likelihood of developing infection. And urinary infections are extremely common for people who have extended stays in the hospital.
According to Dr. Nadworny, her company is making good progress with a particular low weight silver compound that will offset the rising cost of silver on the commodities market.
Thanks today to Alberta Innovates Technology Futures
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Alberta Innovates Technology Futures
Alberta Innovates launched its consolidation on November 1, 2016

250 Karl Clark Road,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T6N 1E4
Program Date: 2012-01-17