Innovation Anthology #474:

The Canadian BioEnergy Association or CanBio met in Edmonton recently.
On the agenda was how to maximize the enormous amount of biomass Canada produces, that’s from agricultural and forest residue, and how to advance the new bio economy.
Doug Bradley is CanBio’s president.
DOUG BRADLEY: Bio energy has been growing in leaps and bounds in Canada. I think more so in Europe. Europe has grasped bio energy as a major component of its energy picture. We are one of the largest bio mass sources on the planet. And so we can feed the European demand for bio oil, bio products, pellets, torrified wood, etc. But at the same time it will allow us to develop our own industry internally. We have to make people realize that there’s a place for all of these energies and bio energy can do a lot of things that wind and solar cannot do. For instance, wind and solar produce only power. Whereas bio energy produces power. It produces heat, renewable heat, It produces bio products, It produces exportable products. So we have a much more diverse space than the other renewables.
CanBio’s Doug Bradley recognizes Alberta as a leader in bio innovation.
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Program Date: 2012-05-15