Innovation Anthology #511:

Alberta has 20 million hectares of cropland and 35 million hectares of forest.
That holds a lot of potential for developing a new bio economy based on novel uses for traditional resources.
That also supports research in a field called ecosystem services.
Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions CEO Dr. Stan Blade explains.
DR. STAN BLADE: We’ve been asked by an Alberta agency, the Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation, to think about, are there biological ways for sequestering carbon? We work very closely with land managers in both agriculture and forestry. We think that there might be ways to use science and new technology to lock down carbon in ways . beyond what has been in the conversation before now. And just that broader suite of ecosystem services. We think that the land managers in agriculture and forestry have done a good job of making sure that we have clean air and clean soils and high quality water. We need to make sure that those industries are rewarded for that stewardship that they provide and there are some mechanisms that probably can help us to get there. We can play a significant role in testing out those researchable questions that will grow those areas.
That was Dr. Stan Blade.
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Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions
The Alberta Innovates consolidation launched on November 1, 2016.
As part of the Alberta Innovates system, AI Bio Solutions invests in research and innovation to grow prosperity in Alberta’s agriculture, food and forestry sectors. The publicly funded board-governed corporation works with partners to identify, coordinate and fund research projects. AI Bio Solutions helps solve industry challenges with solutions that deliver economic, environmental and social benefits.

18th Floor,
Phipps McKinnon Building
10020 – 101A Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T5J 3G2
Program Date: 2012-11-08