Innovation Anthology #615:

Industrial Microbes Inc has discovered how to capture carbon dioxide and methane and through bio-fermentaion, produce other chemicals in a cheaper and more energy efficient manner.
Industrial Microbes Inc is one of 24 winners of the CCEMC Grand Challenge to turn greenhouse gases into valuable products.
Derek Greenfeld is the CEO and co-founder of this San Francisco based company.
DEREK GREENFELD:It's a process that's not that different from beer in that you are adding gases and you have a microbe that's eating those gases and producing the final product. We're really taking advantage of the bio-fuel revolution, being able to use all of the lessons learned and all of the infrastructure developed in that industry.
Industrial Microbes is still in the early stages of development, but Derek sees great potential down the road.
DEREK GREENFELD: We're making building block chemicals. What's great about them is they can really be used for a lot of different products. So our first products will be these pure chemicals that will go into things like soft drinks. But eventually our end goal is to get into the plastics market, things like fibreglass used in boats and bathtubs, and fibres used in yoga pants. So we'd like to make the biggest impact that we can
Derek Greenfeld says he is encouraged by the climate of support in Alberta for innovation and investment.
Thanks today to the Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation.
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Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation