Innovation Anthology #650:

A big question around surface mining, especially in the oil sands area, is how to recreate the boreal forest that used to be there.
That’s what Dr. Simon Landhausser has been looking at over the last five years.
He is a professor in Renewable Resources at the University of Alberta and he holds the NSERC Industrial Chair in Forest Land Reclamation and Applied Forest Ecology.
DR SIMON LANDHAUSSER: Yes, the last five years were very, very busy. I had a lot of grad students and we had a lot of projects dealing with especially the initiation of forest establishment. So looking at the planting of seedlings and what type of seedlings and what quality of seedlings we were planting. So a lot of research went in this area. And I think we made a lot of progress in developing characteristics particularly in aspen seedlings which make them a better plant to put out on these harsh reclamation sites, which is really tough for a plant to grow in. And so we have to give the plant the best abilities to actually succeed.
Industry is already applying some of Dr. Landhausser’s findings. As well, his research chair has been renewed for another five years.
Thanks today to SYNCRUDE
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Program Date: 2014-11-27