Innovation Anthology #661:

When you enter the lobby of Syncrude’s research facility in Edmonton, you can’t help but notice the wall dominated by row upon row of plaques.
These plaques recognize but a few of the many patents Syncrude scientists have registered over the company’s fifty year history.
As Manager of Research and Development, Glen Rovang is obviously proud of Syncrude’s contribution to oil sands science .
GLEN ROVANG: We are around 150 patents right now. And I should mention that there’s a reason why we do patent our technology developments. And it’s primarily to ensure that Syncrude can practice those technologies. We also have through the course of time recovered costs of technology development by others procuring rights to utilize some of those technologies and hydro transport would be a key example of those. But the fundamental reason is to ensure that we can practice those technologies. And when it comes to nviornmental technologies, we also are sharing together with our Canadian Oil Sands Innovation Alliance partners in knowledge, technologies and practices in that area. So we we treat intellectual property different there. It’s a sharing mode.
Thanks today to SYNCRUDE
You can listen to the full interview with Glen Rovang at
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Program Date: 2015-01-27