Innovation Anthology #678:

Along with testing different mulch covers at the Genesee East Wetland reclamation site, forest ecologist Ekehart Marenholtz also experimented with different planting techniques.
One involved planting taller aspen seedlings to outcompete the grass.
Another method is called “pole planting”.
ECKEHART MARENHOLTZ: So the process is that one goes into an area with saplings, and harvests the saplings typically at the end of March or beginning of April. And then they are stored frozen for a short period of time just to protect them. Then prior to planting they are soaked for a couple of weeks just to make sure the pole are have maximum hydration and also so the roots and shoots start to form in that process. And then they are planted. They do best in areas that are near the water table so at the East Wetland site, the poles were planted sort of in a ring all the way around the water body.
Eckehart Marenholtz also had success at the Genesee East Wetland reclamation site with live root transfer of trees and soil.
Thanks today to Capital Power.
Listen to the full interview with Eckehart Marenholtz at
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Program Date: 2015-04-02