Innovation Anthology #695:

One research project funded by The Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation is helping reduce the “ouch” factor for kids.
As Foundation CEO Krista Connell explains, this is the work of Dr Christine Chambers.
KRISTA CONNELL: She has a program called “It Doesn’t Have to Hurt”. And it’s about reducing pain in children. One of the things that I found so amazing with Christine’s work is that there was a perception that children don’t feel pain or don’t feel pain as much as adults, which I find astounding. So she’s done a great deal of work on this to shine a light on the situation and also look at how to mitigate and minimize the pain that kids feel. And she’s developed two YouTube videos, and NSHRF provided the funding for them. And these have been instructional for parents. They’ve been used around the world. I believe Australia and many other countries. So her reach has been extensive. And it’s pretty exciting to think that little old NSHRF was part of what is becoming a world movement on pediatric pain.
According to Krista Connell, engaging social media has helped spread the message of Dr. Christine Chambers’ work on pediatric pain.
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Program Date: 2015-07-02