Innovation Anthology #704:

Innovation in reclamation and sustainable land stewardship are two guiding principals at Capital Power’s Genesee power plant west of Edmonton.
The person looking after the daily nuts and bolts of that commitment is Land Use Coordinator, Jennifer Linder.
Jennifer grew up a country girl, very involved in 4H and she has an applied degree from Olds Agricultural College.
JENNIFER LINDER: Depending on the day, I’ve had days from finding wild animals in places that they shouldn’t be, to bringing my horse to work to move cattle on our community pasture, different community events and speaking with members of the public in the neighbourhood,
At its Genesee operation, Capital Power rents out about 3500 acres for crops to 13 local families and the Warburg Hutterite Colony. And then there’s 5000 acres for cattle grazing.
JENNIFER LINDER: Capital Power runs a community pasture operation at Genesee. It’s run in house. We hire two local cowboys to look after the cattle throughout year. We have a dozen local farmers that bring their cattle to pasture. It’s about a 900 head cow-calf pair operation.
According to Jennifer Linder, solar power pumps water for the cattle, and environmental fencing keeps the cows from trampling creek beds and wetlands.
Thanks today to Capital Power
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Capital Power
Program Date: 2015-08-04