Innovation Anthology #713:

Capital Power has found valuable markets for two of its waste byproducts from its coal fired Genesee Power plant.
Fly ash improves the durability of concrete. And even the heavier bottom ash is useful.
As Darren Alessandrini explains, bottom ash can be used where good drainage is important.
Darren Alessandrini is Senior Manager of Natural Resources and Business Development for Capital Power.
DARREN ALESSANDRINI: Bottom ash has some value in industry. For example we’ve sold some of it in the construction of the Anthony Henday Freeway as a sub-base material. So that’s a material that goes below the concrete and asphalt that was used in the construction of that freeway. And interestingly enough, it’s a material that’s very lightweight, and it drains itself very quickly. So it’s been used in a number of the sports fields that have been built in the Edmonton area. And the value of that is that when it rains, if you’ve got our bottom ash as a sub-base on your sports field, it drains very quickly. And so you can get the kids back on there playing soccer.
Darren Alessandrini says bottom ash is produced from pyrites and rocks that fall to the bottom when coal is burned.
Thanks today to CAPITAL POWER
You can listen to the full interview with Darren at
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Capital Power
Program Date: 2015-09-08