Innovation Anthology #759:

Dr. Cheryl Currie’s has recently published a study which links racism to prescription drug use by Aboriginal people.
Dr Curry holds the Alberta Innovates Health Solutions Translational Health Chair in Aboriginal Health at the University of Lethbridge.
Hers is the first study to suggest the level of stress is so high, the racism produces symptoms of PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.
DR CHERYL CURRIE: So these feelings of threat, that you’re not wanted here, the more their lives seems to be surrounded by racism from all these different places, the more PTSD symptoms they had. It was a dose response relationship. So frequency matters. So let’s say it was only at work but it was frequent, that’s not good. But what this study really said is it’s also the total number of situations in your life that you encounter racism that also can lead to PTSD symptoms, as well as people seeking to cope with these syptoms through prescription drugs.
Dr Currie’s study shows racism has a profound impact on body, mind and behavior, and that society at large plays a key role.
Thanks today to Alberta Innovates Health Solutions.
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Alberta Innovates Health Solutions
Alberta Innovates (formerly Alberta Innovates – Health Solutions)
As the newly formed Alberta Innovates corporation, we still fund top quality, internationally competitive health research and innovation activities to improve the health and wellbeing of Albertans. We provide leadership for Alberta’s health research and innovation enterprise by directing, coordinating, reviewing, funding and supporting research and innovation.
Working with our many partners in the health system, we ensure that research achieves innovation in care, policy and practice, and that the needs of patients and clinicians influence research.
Our background
Alberta Innovates consolidation was launched November 1, 2016.
Alberta Innovates – Health Solutions
Alberta Innovates – Health Solutions was established as part of the Alberta Innovates system by an Act of Legislation of the Government of Alberta. It is a agency of the Government of Alberta. We receive a yearly allocation from the Ministry of Health and report through the ministry to the people of Alberta.
Our Mandate and Roles document reflects our role and responsibilities and outlines the government statues and regulations with which we comply.
Alberta’s Health Research and Innovation Strategy (AHRIS) sets out Alberta’s health research agenda for the coming decade to ensure our considerable investments in research align with our priority—to improve the health of Albertans.

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Program Date: 2016-02-23