#777: Algar: Industry Interest In Ecosystem Services Market

The Algar reforestation project near Fort McMurray is a test of how industry might use the market to enhance environmental stewardship and restoration.
Scott Wilson is a resource analyst with Silvacom.
His research will help industry and government through Alberta Innovates determine what the market value of ecosystem services should be.
SCOTT WILSON: Because originally Algar was an industry focused project, they’re really concerned about how they are able to put some of these ecosystem services back on the land after or while they are doing development. So they understand that they’re taking the landscape and they’re changing it. So they want to make sure that they are able to also offset some of those negative impacts and create some positive benefits as well. One of the main things that we’re hoping to do is set the stage for a potential offset market. So what we’re trying to do is make this tactical, make it something that the private sector can easily access and incorporate ecosystem services assessments into things like their corporate sustainability reporting system. It’s something that a lot of companies are concerned about now for social license, but also things like getting into new business opportunities.
Thanks today to Alberta Innovates
You can listen to the full interview with Scott Wilson at Innovation Anthology.com
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Alberta Innovates Technology Futures
Alberta Innovates launched its consolidation on November 1, 2016

250 Karl Clark Road,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T6N 1E4
Program Date: 2016-04-28