#793: Native Roofs: Storm Water Management

When it comes to environmental design, Alex Court is one of the first people who will suggest adding a green roof to your new home or office tower.
Alex is the Operations and Marketing Manager at Native Roofs in Calgary.
This company uses native plants to garner the environmental benefits from putting a garden on your roof rather than shingles.
Along with energy savings, green roofs can also help with urban storm water management.
ALEX COURT. :This morning we had quite a lot of rain and in that kind of circumstance a green roof would actually be absorbing about 70 to 90 percent of the water that’s falling on it. It’s really great for the city because when green roofs are implemented widely, then it can become part of their water management system. And so when you look at the value derived from storm water management, improved air quality, beautification, then you’ve got a whole range of public benefits from green roofs. There’s a few studies out but I’ve read that green roofs can bring about 38 dollars per square foot in public benefits.
According to Alex Court, using native plant species on roofs increases biodiversity in urban areas and offers island of habitat for birds and insects.
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Program Date: 2016-06-30