#796: CCEMC Grand Challenge: Enerkem

In 2014 Alberta’s Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation issued a Grand Challenge.
Could we develop new technologies to convert waste carbon dioxide into valuable products?
Enerkem is one of 24 recipients of CCEMC funding to meet that challenge.
David Lynch is Enerkem’s General Manager of Research and Development in Edmonton.
DAVID LYNCH: Firstly we take that carbon dioxide and we convert it to carbon monoxide, And we have a proprietary driver forming process that we’ve developed to do that. And then use the syngas, use of the carbon monoxide generated from the CO2 and turn that into your value added products.
The Enerkem system is modular so it can be used in remote facilities.
DAVID LYNCH: If you had a hydrogen production facility that was emitting CO2, we could co-locate our facility adjacent to that CO2 emitter, actually utilize the CO2 in our process to create the syngas and then convert that syngas to your value added chemical right there on site. And then that chemical could be brought to market.
David Lynch expects Enerkem to commercialize this CO2 conversion technology within 3 years.
Thanks today to the Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation.
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Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation
Program Date: 2016-07-14