#839: Genome Alberta: Mapping Microbes In Arctic Marine Environment

What would happen if there was an oil spill in the Canadian Arctic?
Certainly microbes can play a major role in bio-remediation. But how might they work in a cold water environment ? And what’s there in terms of microbial life to begin with?
Those are questions Genome Alberta will answer with its research on microbial genomics in the Canadian Arctic.
President and CEO David Bailey elaborates.
DR DAVID BAILEY: And the reason for that is that with global warming, we have reduced sea ice cover, and ice free summers happening through the Northwest Passage, and that’s leading to much greater activity, shipping activity up there. And associated with that is potential for greater risk and an accident or a spill. And we need to be prepared for that. So this project led by the University of Calgary with partners at the University of Manitoba and with Environment Canada are looking at how do we map the diversity that’s there today and prepare for a potential spill in the Arctic, and therefore be able to be more quickly to go in and remediate and deal with the problem.
Dr David Bailey says this four year project will establish a scientific baseline.
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Alberta Innovates
Alberta Innovates is a provincially funded Corporation with a mandate to deliver 21st century solutions for the most compelling challenges facing Albertans. We do this by building on our province’s research and technology development strengths in the core sectors of health, environment, energy, food and fibre and platforms such as artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and omics. We are working with our partners to diversify Alberta’s economy, improve our environmental performance and enhance our well-being through research and innovation.
In March, 2016 the consolidation of Alberta Innovates was announced and on November 1, a single, integrated innovation powerhouse, Alberta Innovates, was formed. Two applied research subsidiaries – Innotech Alberta and C-Fer Technologies – serve public and private sector interests.
The Alberta Innovates system was first created in January 2010, as part of an overall innovation framework developed within the Alberta Research and Innovation Act. At that time, four corporations were established:
- Bio Solutions
- Energy and Environment Solutions
- Health Solutions
- Technology Futures.
The Alberta Innovates system has a 90-year legacy. Our expertise is built on the successes of:
- Alberta Institute for Agriculture
- Forestry and the Environment
- Alberta Agricultural Research Institute
- Alberta Forestry Research Institute
- Alberta Life Sciences Institute
- Alberta Ingenuity
- Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research
- Alberta Research Council
- nanoAlberta
- Alberta Water Research Institute (AWRI)
- Alberta Energy Research Institute (AERI)
- Alberta Oil Sands Technology and Research Authority (AOSTRA).
Program Date: 2017-01-19